On 2014-05-16 09:15 Eric S Fraga wrote:
> On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 22:41, Alexander Baier wrote:
>> On 2014-05-15 21:57 Eric S Fraga wrote:
>>> I put it under its own heading with an :ignoreheading: tag and use the
>>> filter that was posted on this list (today in fact):
>> I can't find the filter you are referring to. I guess it is in the
>> org-ref thread?  I did not follow that thread as org-ref seems to be
>> a somewhat full-fledged solution including a lot of things I do not
>> need.  I looked through the thread but wasn't lucky to find said
>> filter.  Could you kindly post a link? (if that's not to much to ask)
>> Thanks,
> It was not in that thread and the email was tangentially about ignored
> headlines.  I think it had to with beamer columns and generating
> articles.  I'm offline currently so cannot check.

Ah, well, neither did I follow that one.

> In any case, this is what I use:
>   (defun esf/remove-lines-with-ignore-heading-tag (backend)
>     (message "Deleting lines with ignore heading tag")
>     (while (search-forward-regexp "^\\*+.*[ 
> \t]+[a-ZA-Z0-9:]*:ignoreheading:[a-ZA-Z0-9:]*$" (point-max) t)
>       (cond
>        ((eq backend 'latex) (replace-match "#+latex: % \\&" ))
>        ((eq backend 'html) (replace-match "#+html: <!-- \\& -->" ))
>        (t (replace-match "")))))
>   (add-hook 'org-export-before-processing-hook 
> 'esf/remove-lines-with-ignore-heading-tag)
> HTH,
> eric

Thank you for digging this up!  I, however, already applied Suvayu's
solution suggested by Nick that uses a headline filter.  I see that
your filter inserts the original headline in comments into the source
document, which might be very helpful, in case you are using this for
more than just two latex commands.

Alexander Baier

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