Esben Stien <> writes: Then you could do:
* Hukarz :PROPERTIES: :ORGTYPE: contact :END ** EMAIL *** :PROPERTIES: :EMAILTYPE: business0 :ID: 000 :END: This dude uses this for business, but actually send him mail via private email, cause he sees that after business hours as well;) *** f...@baz.quux :PROPERTIES: :ID: 111 :EMAILTYPE: private0 :END: This is his private email. Only a cool million know this address. It's a secret. Never teach the wu-tang. ** transfer *** [LINKTOCARLJUNIOR] **** EMAIL ***** [LINKTOID000] **** ADDRESS ***** STREET ***** ZIP **** PHONE *** [LINKTOYOURSELF] **** EMAIL ***** [LINKTOID111] When thinking about it, the transfer under each contact, should really tell what information this person has provided to some other contact So, * Karl Junior **** email ***** f...@bar.baz ***** q...@bar.baz :PROPERTIES: :ID: 000 :END: **** informant ***** [Link to Karl Yes Man] * Karl Yes Man **** transfer ***** [Link to Karl Junior] ****** [Link to Karl Gustav] ******* email ******** [Link to ID 000] ***** [Link to other witnesses] ..tells us that Karl Yes Man (informant) has transferred information about Karl Gustav with the email of Karl Junior ( -- Esben Stien is b0ef@e s a http://www. s t n m irc://irc. b - i . e/%23contact sip:b0ef@ e e jid:b0ef@ n n