Hi Sebastien, Bastien and all,

Bastien wrote:

Sebastien Vauban <sva-news-D0wtAvR13HarG/idocf...@public.gmane.org>

The syntax is "LocalWords:" prefixed by the current "comment prefix".
Hence, I don't really understand why we would want to transform it in
"#+ LocalWords:".
Yes. Last evening I realized that changing "# LocalWords:" to
"#+ LocalWords:" was a terrible idea since it would be of no use for ispell.

[snip] Putting this in a separate configuration section at the end of
the file is probably the way to go.

However, I thought I would try to place # LocalWords: at the top of a file between any #+ KEYWORDS: and the first * headline. That way it does not become part of a tree/subtree.

Is this OK?


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