
- I am trying to build a statically-generated website purely with Org
  mode. I would like to use Bootstrap CSS to make the site mobile
  friendly. Bootstrap uses <div class="container"> for the "main" part
  of the <body> of HTML; Org mode export produces <div id="content">
  for that part.

  Is there a variable to set/way to make Org wrap this part in the
  "container" class?

  Looking at several "apropos" results (with all the search keywords I
  could think of), I only see a setting for pre/postamble-class:

    Variable: CSS class used for pre/postamble

- Assuming there is no Org-internal way to do this, is there a
  function that is run after a project is published to that I can,
  e.g., run a sed script on the HTML files generated? Again, the only
  remotely relevant result I see in M-x apropos RET org post is

  Variable: Hook run in code files tangled by `org-babel-tangle'.
  Properties: standard-value custom-version custom-type
              custom-requests variable-documentation

- As a "meta question", how would one find the answer to these and
  similar questions without leaving Emacs, since we know Emacs is
  self-documenting and Org mode has a very comprehensive set of
  functions and documentation. Looking in the usual places (C-u M-x
  apropos, C-h v) did not lead me to an answer.



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