On 2014-05-27 12:25 Sharon Kimble wrote:
> In my "organiser" page I have a mixed bag of TODO lists and also
> checkbox lists. If I have at the top of the page "#+STARTUP: content"
> it opens just showing all of the TODO lists and none of the checkbox
> lists. But if I have "#+STARTUP: showall" it shows everything,
> including all the hidden dates on the TODOs.
> How can I get it to just show all the TODOs and all of the
> checkboxes please?

I do not think this is possible by merely defining the STARTUP
directive.  You will probably need some custom elisp to accomplish
this.  Take a look at org-map-entries to iterate over every headline in
the file and reveal the stuff you want to see. That custom elisp can be
put into org-mode-hook, maybe checking if you are in the right file.

Note: I am just brainstorming here, there might be a solution that is a
lot easier.

Alexander Baier

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