On 2014-06-09 13:28 Dennis Yurichev wrote:
> Hi.
> I just started using org-drill, which is seems pretty good.
> One thing I noticed at first: are there a way to remove duplicates which 
> will inevitably be added into the file?
> And/or: it's possible to sort all entries in org-file by, let's say,
> "** English" heading?
> I've something like...
> ======================================
> * Word
> ** English
> english word 2
> ** Russian
> russian word 2
> * Word
> ** English
> english word 1
> ** Russian
> russian word 1
> ======================================
> It's possible to sort file so that's entry with "english word 1" 
> will be at top?

I do not know of any build-in sorting strategy that does what you want.
But you can always write your own function and pass it along with
`C-c ^ f'.  Such a function takes no arguments and returns the sorting
key.  I put together a small function, but it does not work correctly
yet.  Maybe someone can point out why.  Or maybe this will help you as a
point to start and investigate further.

This function is called with point at the beginning of the top level
headline.  Note: I called `C-c ^ f' with an active region over the whole
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (defun my-sort ()
    (forward-line 2)
    (message "%s" (thing-at-point 'line))
    (thing-at-point 'line))

Using this function with org-sort results in some weird behaviour where
only the "English" but not the "Russian" headlines are sorted.

I hope this helps a bit,
Alexander Baier

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