
The quick and dirty approach removes the ability for headings to
inherit the noweb properties of, and override, the properties of its
parent header.

That feature enables the true literate programming to remove it would
be a great loss.
Grant Rettke | AAAS, ACM, ASA, FSF, IEEE, SIAM, Sigma Xi
g...@wisdomandwonder.com | http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/
“Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates
((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
“Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop
taking it seriously.” --Thompson

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 3:18 AM, Nicolas Girard
<girard.nico...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2014-06-10 19:54 GMT+02:00 Grant Rettke <g...@wisdomandwonder.com>:
>> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Nicolas Girard
>> <girard.nico...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> - About =org-babel-use-quick-and-dirty-noweb-expansion=:
>>>   should it be set to 't' by default ? I'd be tempted to say yes,
>>>   given the dramatic performance gain
>> Use Emacs to run Emacs Lisp and set
>> org-babel-use-quick-and-dirty-noweb-expansion to nil.
> Hi Grant,
> thanks for your reply. There might be a slight misunderstanding though.
> My question was: should org-tangle and org-weave enable
> "org-babel-use-quick-and-dirty-noweb-expansion" before doing their
> jobs ? For now I let the default value to be =nil=, and I was
> wondering if it wouldn't be bette to do the opposite instead, that is,
> enable "quick-and-dirty-noweb-expansion" by default and provide a
> -noquick option.
> What do you think ?
> Cheers,
> Nicolas

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