Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

> Hello,
> Daimrod <> writes:
>> Okay, so I've found a more or less reliable way to reproduce this bug (on my
>> machine at least).
>> 1. $ emacs -Q -l debug.el
>> 2. Expand headline (<S-TAB>)
>> 3. go below the first headline (C-n)
>> 4. press `i' a couple of seconds ~10 chars
>> 5. delete the line (C-a C-k)
>> 6. goto 4 until if locks up
>> As I said, it's not completely reliable but so far the lockup always
>> happens. Sometimes it happens after the third iteration, sometimes after
>> the tenth iteration, but it always happen.
>> I've attached `debug.el' and `'.
> [...]
>> Do you confirm the lockup with this setting?
> Yes, I do. I will investigate on this soon. Thank you for providing this
> recipe.


Also, I should have mentioned that I didn't trace the function
`org-element--cache-key-less-p' because when I do so, Emacs stays locked
even when I send it the signal SIGUSR2. However, this function appears
in the backtrace produced by `xbacktrace' in a gdb session if I call it
during a lockup.

My guess is that the lockup happens in `org-element--cache-key-less-p',
called by `org-element--cache-process-request'.



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