Hi Thorsten,
first of all, thanks for your suggestions, I really appreciate it.

tjol...@gmail.com writes:

> Chris Raschl <c...@kautsig.org> writes:
>> Hi everybody,
>> recently I wanted to add a weather forecast to my org-agenda. I found
>> org-google-weather, but this package is obsolete since 2012, because the
>> API is not available any more. So I wrote my own version which is backed
>> by the openweathermap.org API.
>> I implemented the minimal usecase which works for me, if somebody else
>> dares to use it, its available here:
>> https://github.com/kautsig/org-weather
> Nice, thank you, never made org-google-weather, but this works
> out-of-the-box:
>   ,-------------------------------------------------
>   | City:     Weather: light rain, 10.43°C - 17.58°C
>   `-------------------------------------------------
> A few suggestions wrt


> - why not use (round ...) for the temperature data, 10-17°C would be
>   more than accurate enough?

I added this. Additionally I removed the temperature unit being
displayed twice, this was unnecessary and looks much nicer in the format
you suggested.

> - why not include city/country info in the weather string? I added
>   * Weather
>     :CATEGORY: City
>     :END:
>   %%(org-weather)
>   to get the above, but it would be much better to take the return
>   values for city/country and include them in the weather string, to
>   make sure one did not mess up the configuration and gets the weather
>   from another place than expected.

Also thought about this, but I think I will go with the method which was
also used in org-google-weather. It looks like:

* Weather
%%(org-google-weather "New York")

This is much simpler for me, as I'm not so familiar with lisp and the
org-mode api. But I'll have to change the data structure for caching the
data a bit, so it might take a while.

> - maybe make the whole thing a bit customizable by adding a few
>   defcustoms, so the user can decide which info he wants to print in the
>   agenda
>   the return string looks like this, there are many options:


I improved result processing a little bit and added a formatting string
(org-weather-format). You can now also add different temperature fields,
as well as humidity, pressure and wind speed.


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