On 17.06.2014 08:21, Shiyuan wrote:
Hi all,
       I found a solution to fix the echo problem of the emacs python shell:

That is, in the Interior Python buffer, do
M-: (setq comint-process-echoes t) ;; or nil

Now, if I enter command directly in the interior python buffer, the command
is not echoed and this is what I want.

However, When I evaluate the python src code block in org-mode(by `C-c
C-c`), the problem persists. I notice every time I evaluate the block, I
see 'org_babel_python_eoe' in the interior python buffer.

I  stumbled on a very strange emacs behavior. When I fiddled around, at
some point, I produced the correct answer as the manual. I thought I got
the right setup, but when I saved everything and restarted emacs, problem
persists. Will it be a sign of anything wrong?

What's even stranger is that: the evaluation for the first time gives
different results from the evaluation for the second time,  on exactly the
same src_block:

This is what I got when I evaluation the code block for the first time:
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output :session foo
print "hello"
print "bye"


print "hello"
print "bye"


The following is what I got when I evaluate the same block again:
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output :session foo
print "hello"
print "bye"

: x=100
: print "hello"
: hello
: 2
: 2
: print "bye"
: bye

Notice that the prompt symbol ">>>" is in the result for the first
evaluation but not in the second evaluation.  Also the result is not
embedded in the #+being_example/#+end_example for the second evaluation.

I want to hunt down the problem. Any hints/helps is greatly appreciated.


Hi Guys,

please permit a comment after some times - it's just not to create heroes :)

IMHO the complexity orb-babel took by creating its own slots for symbols like 
function names, variables etc.
is not to handle reliably across the languages.

A net and simple way out would be just to employ commands delivered by existing 
Emacs modes on org-source sections.
Inserting the results might be provided by a hook.



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