Grant Rettke <> writes:

> The average build takes 15m. 

Which file do you mean -
Thats some 4400 lines, thus not _that_ big really. I once used a giant
init.el copied from the web that had some 8000 lines (now I'm back to
2500 again ...). 

I converted that file to outshine, since its mainly one programming
language (emacs-lisp in this case):

[with-current-buffer "]
| (benchmark-run (outorg-convert-org-to-outshine))
| (1.7926752110000002 8 1.042145478000009)

After this is done *once*, you can always switch between emacs-lisp and
org-mode with outorg, It takes 0.4 sec to convert the whole file to org

| (benchmark-run (outorg-edit-as-org '(4)))
| (0.365756325 1 0.13800897400000167)

and 1.6 sec to convert it back to outshine (I have to fix this speed
difference ;)

| (benchmark-run (outorg-copy-edits-and-exit))
| (1.616835235 8 1.106696710999998)

But normally you do not convert the whole buffer to Org with outorg,
just the subtree at hand, and thats instantly.

Then productivity means that your init file *is* in a programming
language mode (TC3F.el) and you can modify and eval your code
on-the-fly. Whenever you need to edit the comment text, you do

M-# M-#
| M-x outorg-edit-as-org

and when you are done, M-#

| M-x outorg-copy-edits-and-exit

Its just the reverse of Org-mode with souce-blocks, and in cases like an
Emacs init-file, when its mostly one programming language and the
source-code is more important than the text (and frequently modified),
this reverse approach might be more productive. 


I just figured that I ran the benchmarks on an outorg testing branch,
which is faster than master but not yet ready. So things might be a bit
slower with master branch, but in terms of seconds (maybe 2 or 3 sec to
convert the whole file?)


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