On 2014-06-23 21:23 Thomas S. Dye wrote:
> Aloha Alexander,
> Alexander Baier <alexander.ba...@mailbox.org> writes:
>> On 2014-06-23 17:43 Thorsten Jolitz wrote:
>>> Alexander Baier <alexander.ba...@mailbox.org> writes:
>>>> Hello org-moders!
>>>> I just tried to put a caption under/on/above (or anywhere for that
>>>> matter) my source code block.  When exporting to latex, I didn't see any
>>>> caption belonging to my code block.  Other backends have not been
>>>> tried.  How can I achieve this?
>>>> For reference, I run Org-mode version 8.2.6 (release_8.2.6 @
>>>> /home/delexi/.emacs.d/ext/org-mode/lisp/) and this is the org file:
>>>> * Test
>>>> #+CAPTION: Test
>>>> #BEGIN_SRC java
>>>>   // some code
>>>> #END_SRC
>>> shouldn't that be 
>>> ,----
>>> | #+NAME: Test
>>> `----
>>> instead of 
>>> ,----
>>> | #+CAPTION: Test
>>> `----
>>> ?
>> This does not work for me - I still see no caption or a similar thing in
>> the vicinity of my code block.  Does "#+NAME" work for you?
>> Regards,
> There are two errors in your Org mode file on the BEGIN_SRC and END_SRC
> lines.

You are of course right! This was just a mistake I made whilst putting
together this short example.  In my "normal" setup the source code
blocks have the right form.

> With this code:
>  * Test
>  #+CAPTION: Test
>  #+BEGIN_SRC java
>     // some code
>  #+END_SRC
> I get a figure with a caption when exporting to LaTeX:
>  \section{Test}
>  \label{sec-1}
>  \begin{figure}[H]
>  \begin{verbatim}
>  // some code
>  \end{verbatim}\caption{Test}
>  \end{figure}
> You don't need to name the source code block, although it is typically a
> good idea to do so.

I always only looked at the generated PDF to see if there was a caption
added.  When opening the generated .tex file I found the same code you
are seeing.  It seems the document class I am using just drops the

The class in question is LLNCS, does anyone know why this could happen?

Alexander Baier

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