Nick Garber <> writes:


> In exploring the use of OrgMode for advanced project planning I've run
> across a few questions/problems with the taskjuggler exporter that I'd
> like to raise.
> (1) unable to set 'timingresolution'
> My project contains some short tasks, such as brief but required
> meetings, that are less than the default timing resolution of 60 mins
> and so causes the Taskjuggler export-and-process to fail with EM:
> "TaskJuggler failed with errors: Error: Effort value must at least as
> large as the timing resolution (60min)."
> I'd like to set the default value for the attribute to "5 min", the
> minimum value, but apparently a facility for this is not provided via
> orgmode.
> What I'm doing so far is creating the .tjp file, editing in this
> value, then exporting with =tj3 somefile.tjp= from the command line,
> and this _does_ work, but is awkward and hopefully avoidable.
> This might be most sensibly resolved by adding an, 'Org Export
> Taskjuggler Default Project Attributes' variable to those available
> via M-x customize-group org-export-taskjuggler .

I'm going to submit a patch for this.

> (2) taskjuggler_resource not found
> When specifying the OrgMode heading where the project resources will
> live with the :taskjuggler_resource: tag, I've found that this tag is
> not exported unless it is attached to a top level headline. 
> To work around this I've moved the project's tree from it's main .org
> file, in order to promote the "* Project Resource Info" headline
> without disrupting my normal and thus precious ;-) headline "schema".
> I didn't see "attach to first-level headline" described as a resource
> export requirement and thought it unusual enough to mention in case it
> is not an intended limitation.

Seems to be an intended limitation, see this comment in the sources

 | (let ((main-resourc
 |    ;; Collect contents from various trees marked with
 |    ;; `org-taskjuggler-resource-tag'.  Only gather top level
 |    ;; resources. ...)))

This is because the mapping function following this comment

,----[ C-h f org-element-map RET ]
| org-element-map is a compiled Lisp function in `org-element.el'.
| (org-element-map DATA TYPES FUN &optional INFO FIRST-MATCH

sets 'headline as NO-RECURSION argument. This could easily be dropped,
but I don't know which implications and side-effects this would have.


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