David Rose <david.rose <at> jeppesen.com> writes:

> Hi,
> I am not sure if this is an actual bug or if I am just missing some
> new setting/configuration option, but when in a graphical emacs window
> org-mode table alignments are way off, yet when in a 'terminal' window
> emacs session tables are shown as expected. 
> Just as I am not sure if this is a bug, I am not sure if it is in
> org-mode or emacs itself, so I apologise if this is not the right list
> for this.  I have tried searching on-line for an answer but have nto
> been able to find this which is why I believe I might just be missing
> a setting somewhere that I did not need before.
> I am attaching my .emacs file as well as a screen shot showing the
> issue I am speaking of.  In the screen shot the window on the left is
> a graphical instance of emacs, and the one on the right is started
> from a terminal window (emacs -nw --no-desktop).  Both are using the
> same file.
> My emacs version is: 24.3.1 (x86_64-slackware-linux-gnu with GTK+
> version 2.24.17
> I am currently using an older version of org-mode as I try to
> reconfigure my custom latex document classes over to the newer
> version.  Org mode version is: 7.8.11
> I have tested this with the newest org-mode version as well though and
> received the same results as I currently get.  
> Thank you in advance for any assistance, and I again apologise if this
> is not the correct list for this.
> Sincerely,


It seems that you are using a proportional font (different width for each 
character) as opposed to a monospace one. For example, compare the width of 
'<' on line 2 with the 'J' below.

Table alignment usually works by ensuring all cells in a column contain the 
same number of characters, but that only works for monospace fonts.

The terminal is using monospace fonts by default.


Thibaut Verron

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