> Now, are these "limitations of Org" really preventing it from exporting a
> string verbatim? That would seem like the most logical default in this
> situation, wouldn't it? (Disclaimer: I don't "understand the limitations of
> Org", so these last questions may be ridiculous to someone who does)
Apparently not, the following quick attempt seems to be doing the job fine

  (defun tv/orgtbl-to-latex-verbatim (table params)
    (flet ((org-export-string-as
            (string backend &optional b e)
     (orgtbl-to-latex table params)))

However, it is extra dirty, and ignoring so many parameters in a function
is probably not safe. :-)
Is there really no similar mechanism built-in org? Should I polish this
function and submit a patch? Or am I running into a wall?


Thibaut Verron

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