Hi List, 

what about adding one more option for WHICH

,----[ C-h f org-entry-properties RET ]
| org-entry-properties is a compiled Lisp function in `org.el'.
| (org-entry-properties &optional POM WHICH SPECIFIC)
| [...]
| If WHICH is nil or `all', get all properties.  If WHICH is
| `special' or `standard', only get that subclass.  If WHICH
| is a string only get exactly this property.  SPECIFIC can be a string, the
| specific property we are interested in.  Specifying it can speed
| things up because then unnecessary parsing is avoided.

that would filter out all Org related properties, i.e. the properties
the system itself uses, and thus return only the application related

E.g. option 'non-org'

with semantics/implementation similar to this (there are surely cl-xxx
filter-functions that can do this as one-liner):

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (delq nil
         (lambda (--cons)
           (unless (or (member (car --cons)
                       (member (car --cons)

What do you think?


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