On 2014-06-26 20:44, Matt Lundin <m...@imapmail.org> writes:

> Alan Schmitt <alan.schm...@polytechnique.org> writes:
>> On 2014-06-26 16:39, Matt Lundin <m...@imapmail.org> writes:
>>> By contrast, ox-bibtex.el runs citations through bibtex2html, which is
>>> pretty much limited to the "old-fashioned" bibtex formats.
>> What would be required for bibtex2html to take biblatex input? I thought
>> the backend format was similar or the same (as you can tell, I know
>> nothing of biblatex).
> I don't think this is possible without some major
> hacking/conversion/filtering. Biblatex has many more entry types and
> fields than bibtex. I've found that most of the older bibtex utils
> (bibtools, bibtex2html) choke on my biblatex files.

Is there a list of these new entry types? Looking at the code for
bibtex2html (for instance
I see that entry types are strings, so if there are issues, I guess they
would happen in the generation part but not in the parsing part.

> Even if biblatex2html did read biblatex data, its output, I believe, is
> limited to bibtex styles, which cannot handle more complex formats. Many
> scientific journals require bibtex formats. But many humanities
> disciplines have more complicated bibliographical requirements that
> bibtex cannot handle.   

I'm very ignorant here: from my understanding, bibtex2html does not care
about bibtex style, it just takes bibtex data as input and produces
html. Is the problem that some entries are ignored, or is there
something deeper that I'm missing?


PS: if anyone on the list think we should take this off-list, please let
me know

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