Hello Andrea, thanks for your very useful reply and for the links.

2014-06-28 16:29 GMT+02:00 Andrea Rossetti <andrea.rosse...@gmail.com>:

> I had the same problem some time ago. That variable
> has been removed in recent Org versions, and you
> probably have (like me) an old built-in Org "shadowed"
> by a new Elpa Org. You should ignore that variable.

How can I remove this old built-in Org "shadowed"
by my new Elpa Org ? It seems to me that it should be the best solution,
but I do not want to broke my org installation because it works well, this
detail excepted.

> See previous discussion and some advices here:
> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/77193
> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/77241

Thanks again for theses links.

Best regards,


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