Aloha Sharon,

Sharon Kimble <> writes:

> Following on from the theme of "Table of Contents", is it possible to
> just have a "TOC" for the file that it is in? Like -
> -*- mode: org -*-
> #+STARTUP: overview
> "Table of Contents"
>  * blah
>  ** de blah
> Blurb and onwards. 

I'm not sure I understand your question.  If you are looking for a table
of contents that shows in the buffer, rather than just in exported
files, then you might take a look at the Imenu package, which on my Mac
gives a drop down menu in the tool bar that shows the first two levels
of headings in the file, and at John Kitchin's org-ref code, discussed
on the list recently, which implements a link that not only shows the
table of contents when it is clicked, but also exports correctly.


Thomas S. Dye

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