Matlab is "free" for us too, but it does not work in org-babel on
windows. it works ok on linux, but not as well as python. Plus, we use
python for all our research, and most importantly, I like it better ;)

"Doyley, Marvin M." <> writes:

> Thanks John,
> The biggest challenge has been getting my team to use emacs, and
> appreciate its power. A few of the students are now comfortable with
> it, but most are still novices, even the computationally savvy members
> of my team. For now I am forcing everybody to use org as a latex
> replacement no babel or beamer yet. However, In the fall I will
> mandate that all data analysis (matlab babel) should be included with
> all manuscripts. I notice that you prefer to use python rather than
> matlab. Is there a reason for this ? Matlab is free at my institution
> so cost is not an issue.
> I welcome any advise or tips you may have 
> Best Wishes,
> M
> On Jul 9, 2014, at 3:08 PM, John Kitchin <> wrote:
>> That is great! Congratulations, and thanks for sharing. I have also
>> converted my group into an org-centric group.  Did you find many
>> challenges in implementing this in your group?
>> "Doyley, Marvin M." <> writes:
>>> Dear All,
>>> Here is a link to a manuscript my research group produced completely with 
>>> org
>>> For the last 6 years, I have used org mainly for teaching (beamer),
>>> productivity, outlining ideas, and note taking. Inspired by John
>>> Kitchin's 2013 Scipy talk, I tried to encourage members of my research
>>> group to use Org. Since the gentle approach didn't work, I made it 
>>> mandatory requirement that all junior members must generate
>>> manuscripts in org, and now I am seeing the fruits of this decision--- we 
>>> are now a org-centric  research group :)
>>> I would like to thank  Carsten and all the other contributors for creating 
>>> such
>>> an awesome research tool. 
>>> Cheers,
>>> M
>> -- 
>> -----------------------------------
>> John Kitchin
>> Professor
>> Doherty Hall A207F
>> Department of Chemical Engineering
>> Carnegie Mellon University
>> Pittsburgh, PA 15213
>> 412-268-7803

John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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