On 16 July 2014 at 02:58 PDT, Gabor Retvari wrote:

>> I think you may be using the regular LaTeX exporter.  Adding beamer to
>> your LaTeX_CLASS is not sufficient (or necessary).  Rather, you want to
>> use the Beamer export commands.
>> http://orgmode.org/manual/Beamer-export.html
> Thanks a lot, org-beamer-export-to-pdf seems to solve this issue. 
> Interestingly, C-c C-e l P (thank you John for the tip) does not work by 
> default as org-export-dispatch does not seem to know about beamer specific 
> export commands initially. Only after running org-beamer-export-to-pdf once 
> the 
> beamer specific export options show up in the dispatcher's
> list. Strange.

Not all exporters are loaded by default.

Have you done something like

| (require 'ox-beamer)

in your .emacs?  Or customized  `org-export-backends' ?

> Anyways, it would be nice to have this behavior better documented. Maybe a 
> huge 
> warning in the tutorial saying "Use beamer export options, standard LaTeX 
> export will screw up your slide structure!" or somesuch. I see now that the 
> tutorial mentions that "tutorials and references available for both org-mode 
> itself, for LaTeX exporting, and for Beamer Class Export", but the link to 
> the 
> "Beamer Class Export" document does not quite work.
> http://orgmode.org/worg/exporters/beamer/tutorial.html

I have fixed the link you mention.


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