Thorsten Grothe <> writes:

> thank you very much for your response, well I'm not an emacs guru, so
> my simple question is, how to apply this patch? I'm working with
> archlinux here and I installed orgmode systemwide not locally, I guess
> I should first install it in my local homedir and than patch it, but
> how?

It depends on how exactly you installed: from git, from elpa, from a
tarball, using the org mode that came with your emacs, some other way?

If you don't mind living somewhat dangerously, you can find out where
org-table is located (M-x locate-library RET org-table RET) which is
going to be either a byte-compiled file (org-table.elc) or a .el file.
If a .el file, you can just edit it and delete the spaces (carefully: it
should like look the + lines in the patch after you are done). If it's a
.elc file, then you'll have to locate the .el file, edit it as before,
byte-compile it and then replace the .elc file with the new file.
In either case, you'll need to reload the file or restart your emacs.

I can't in all honesty recommend this procedure (it's too error-prone),
but desperate situations call for desperate measures. OTOH, if you
are not desperate, then waiting for the change to happen upstream and
then percolate down to you is a much safer (but slower) alternative.


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