
> I put my captured contacts to "~/.orgmode/data/" and I can
> successfully capture the contacts, however, when I eval the function
> org-contacts in org mode, it just shows the message in the title.
> if the contact file is empty, it does not show the message, but org-contacts
> show an empty match.

> org-contacts show "Non-existent agenda file ~/org/* virexit. [R]emove
> from list or [A]bort?" when trying to find contacts with M-x
> org-contacts<RET> [8.2.7b (8.2.7b-dist @
> c:/Users/Seam/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/orgmode/lisp/)]

It looks like you had added a file named '* virexit' to the agenda list,
but that file doesn't exist anymore.

`org-contacts' uses the agenda views to display contacts. I don't know
the internals of `org-agenda' very well but I guess that it checks for
agenda files even if the caller doesn't need them, hence the error.

I don't know (yet) if it's possible to disable this behavior, but in the
meantime you can remove the file from the agenda list.



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