Marcin Borkowski <> writes:

> Hi list,
> this is only partially Org-ode related, but I hope I'll be excused.
> A friend of mine uses Scrivener; he also does some simple
> JavaScript/jQuery programming and HTML/CSS editing.  He *is* interested
> in Emacs & Org-mode, but does not want to spend more than, say, 2 days
> on installing, configuring and learning basics of E&Om.  Are there any
> resources which might help?  I offered him some help with installing
> and teaching, but what could I use?  (Of course, the built-in tutorial
> and Sacha Chua's sketch-tutorials are great, but what else does there
> exist?  Also, is prelude or Emacs Starter Kit a good idea?  I
> understand this is opinion-based, but maybe someone has some experience
> *teaching* Emacs and Org-mode?)
> Best,

Hi Marcin,

I don't have much specifically to offer here as I'm a fairly new
emacser, but I did switch to Org-mode directly from Scrivener. It took
awhile, especially getting used to the keybindings as I simultaneously
tried to understand various other packages that seemed useful
(especially version control through magit). I love those bindings and
packages now, however, and wouldn't go back. The simplicity and speed of
the keyboard-oriented interface has considerably sped my workflow,
especially in dealing with large projects, and even helped my arthritis
a little ... :)

As a last note, I do think it would take more than 2 days to get a
proper sense of the pros and cons. I had a kind of insane glee over emacs
that got me through the first month or so.

Good luck to your friend!

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