"Vladimir Alexiev" wrote:
> It would be nice to allow multiline BINDs. I'd much rather write this than 
> put it all on one line:
> #+BIND: va/org-dot-preamble "digraph g {
> #+BIND:   rankdir=LR nodesep=0.2 ranksep=0.1 arrowsize=0.2
> #+BIND:   node [fontname=courier fontsize=8 margin='0.02,0.01' shape=circle 
> width=0.1 height=0.1 label='']
> #+BIND:   edge [fontname=courier fontsize=8 labelfontname=courier 
> labelfontsize=8]"
> The usual continuation syntax of backslash before the EOL can be used.
> Or else, a new keyword #+BIND1: for each continuation line.
> The function to fix is ox.el::org-export--list-bound-variables

In case it wouldn't get implemented, a workaround consists into setting
that var in an Emacs Lisp code block, run at the file opening.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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