Hi guys, I think I found a problem in folding a BEGIN_SRC block.
When I:

  - create a "BEGIN_SRC org" block (let's call it "the external
  - hit C-c ' to edit its contents
  - create two consecutive, non-nested "BEGIN_SRC org" blocks
    (let's call them "the internal BEGIN_SRCs")
  - hit C-c ' to return back to the main org buffer
  - hit TAB on the external BEGIN_SRC to fold the whole block

then the folding happens only for the first internal BEGIN_SRC block.
Tentative guess: I suppose "#+END_SRC" is used as a regexp by the fold
procedure, while something like "[^,]#+END_SRC" could be more appropriate.

  Can anyone please confirm if the described issue is reproducible?
(if your answer is "yes", but you think it's a very minor problem:
I agree with you, it's just better if we know it :)

  Thanks for your attention, kindest regards.


PS: a test case file is attached here:

  ,#+BEGIN_SRC org

  ,#+BEGIN_SRC org

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7600)
 of 2013-03-17 on MARVIN
Package: Org-mode version 8.2.6 (8.2.6-67-g9e09b2-elpa @ 

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