Andreas Kiermeier <> writes:

> On 4 August 2014 21:23, Eric Schulte <> wrote:
>> Why are you setting the output type to "graphics" when you are trying to
>> return text?  I think that may be the source of your problem.
> Hi Eric,
> thanks for the quick response.
> I've had 'graphics' from my main data analysis file ... I think I got
> that from WORG.
> I've removed it, reloaded the file, but same outcome.
> Any other thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Andreas

Hi Andreas,

I can't reproduce your problem.  I get the following from your minimal
example when run in an Org-mode file, and from the command line.  They
are identical.  Are you using the latest version of Org-mode?


#+BEGIN_SRC R :results output
  x <- rnorm(100)
  y <- quantile(x, probs=seq(0,1,0.1))
  names(y) <- as.character(c("0",".1",".2",".3",".4",".5",".6",".7",".8",".9","1"))

:          0         .1         .2         .3         .4         .5         .6 
: -2.5388527 -1.7039145 -1.0586655 -0.4892375 -0.2083433  0.0669765  0.2674644 
:         .7         .8         .9          1 
:  0.6065544  1.0985117  1.5376634  3.2423323 

$ R

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[Previously saved workspace restored]

> x <- rnorm(100)
> y <- quantile(x, probs=seq(0,1,0.1))
> names(y) <- 
> as.character(c("0",".1",".2",".3",".4",".5",".6",".7",".8",".9","1"))
> y
          0          .1          .2          .3          .4          .5 
-2.53624773 -1.30846042 -0.70659822 -0.43565010 -0.24318346 -0.01034625 
         .6          .7          .8          .9           1 
 0.24125644  0.49945059  0.92032314  1.36423669  2.83357915 
Eric Schulte
PGP: 0x614CA05D (see

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