Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

> Hi Eric,
> Thank you for sharing this.  I have hacks for many of the same things,
> but I'm sure I will find inspiration in your implementations as well
> when I read them more carefully.
> In particular the filters that operate directly on the tree seems
> interesting!  I have never really gotten into tree-manipulation.

With help on list I wrote one, and every subsequent filter has been a
simple extension from the first.  Hopefully those included herein will
be good models for future filters.


>>  8. TIKZ figure links
> Am I right to understand that the main use of this is automatically
> translating tikz figures into a format suitable for HTML?  The
> function is a bit long and I couldn't entirely grasp the functionality
> without reading the function in details.

See my reply to Joseph in this thread, hopefully it will clear this up.
This point is probably the most heavily influenced by personal
preference of all these points.

>>  9. Tie certain latex commands to the preceding word.
> Cool idea with the refs!
> I use something similar where I escape single space after points so
> that "e.g. x" becomes "e.g.\ x".
>> 10. Fix emphasis in text export
> Good idea.
> Cheers,
> Rasmus


Eric Schulte
PGP: 0x614CA05D (see https://u.fsf.org/yw)

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