On 10 Aug 2014, Sharon Kimble wrote:
[Edited for the sake of brevity]

>>> How can I have a command auto-run when a file is opened from
>>> 'desktop recovery' please? I want to auto-run "M-x linum-mode" when
>>> I open my daily journal, which stays open all the time. Running that
>>> command will switch off linum-mode for that file, which may stop
>>> "file-rot" that I have observed in the past. This can, at present,
>>> only be resolved by shutting down emacs for half an hour or so, and
>>> then restarting it, and normal functionality will have been
>>> restored.

Have you considered using a hook?  That is what they are for, and
generally, I’ve found that linum mode in an org file can be annoying, so
in my init file I have =(add-hook ‘org-mode-hook #’(lambda ()
(linum-mode -1)))=, and, while I have Linum on globally, this disables
it for all org mode files.


Samuel W. Flint
swfl...@flintfam.org                  (402) 517-8468      <XMPP>
sip: swfl...@ekiga.net
      (9477 D23E 389E 40C5 2F10  DE19 68E5 318E 2665 96F4)
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