I was playing around with an idea for inserting bibliographies into an
exported org file. I thought I could specify a format for the 'org
backend that would convert the links like this:

cite:some-key  ->  [[#some-key]]

bibliography:test.bib ->

* Bibliography
** authors - title
 :CUSTOM_ID: some-key

so, for example the formatting part of the bibliography link looks like:

(lambda (keyword desc format)
                      ((eq format 'org) (org-ref-get-org-bibliography))
                      ((eq format 'ascii) (org-ref-get-ascii-bibliography))
                      ((eq format 'html) (org-ref-get-html-bibliography))
                      ((eq format 'latex)
                         ;; write out the latex bibliography command
                       (format "\\bibliography{%s}"
                     (replace-regexp-in-string  "\\.bib" "" keyword)))))

where (org-ref-get-org-bibliography) returns a string that I want.              
What I get right now is no change in the links at all in an org-export
buffer for org or ascii. The html and latex work fine.

Should the org and ascii export work like I expect? Thanks,

John Kitchin

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