
I execute the following block of R code by going in the temporary buffer (via
`C-c '') and by sending the lines to the =*R*= buffer (via `C-c C-b').

#+begin_src R :eval yes
  id.etp <- as.data.frame(c(111:113, 444, 555, 666))
  names(id.etp) <- "Id"

The commands are outputted in the iESS buffer.

Though, if I eval the following block with `C-c C-v C-e', the commands are not
copied in the iESS buffer. Only "complex" sequences of ">" and "+" are visible.

#+begin_src R :eval yes
  id.stg <- as.data.frame(c(222:224, 777, 888, 999))
  names(id.stg) <- "Id"

See for yourself on http://screencast.com/t/dq3w3vAp.

Does it have something to do with `ess-eval-visibly' not being respected
(whose default is `t')?

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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