May you please discuss your use case that motivated this code?
Grant Rettke | ACM, ASA, FSF |
“Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates
((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
“Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop
taking it seriously.” --Thompson

On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 10:50 AM, Andrea Rossetti
<> wrote:
> Hi Org users,
>   I wrote a Babel block to generate the #+INCLUDE statements
> for all Org files of a directory.
>   Nothing spectacular: not recursive through directories,
> only .org files ... but I wanted to share it, just in case
> someone finds it helpful. Source code and usage example
> are available here:
> (GitHub renders Org files as html, so be sure to click the "Raw" button
> in order to see #+BEGIN_SRC, #+END_SRC and #+COMMENTS)
>   Opinions, corrections and enhancements are of course
> more than welcome. Kindest regards,
>   Andrea

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