
The following piece of org-code comes out a bit crooked iff
org-pretty-entities is set:

* testing
  CLOCK: [2014-09-02 Tue 10:54]--[2014-09-02 Tue 12:42] =>  1:48
  CLOCK: [2014-09-02 Tue 09:02]--[2014-09-02 Tue 09:15] =>  0:13
  CLOCK: [2014-09-01 Mon 14:42]--[2014-09-01 Mon 16:47] =>  2:05
** testing indented
  CLOCK: [2014-09-01 Mon 14:34]--[2014-09-01 Mon 14:35] =>  0:01
  CLOCK: [2014-09-01 Mon 12:00]--[2014-09-01 Mon 12:10] =>  0:10
  CLOCK: [2014-09-01 Mon 08:16]--[2014-09-01 Mon 11:30] =>  3:14

* clocktable
#+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 3  :block 2014-W36 :formula % 
#+CAPTION: Clock summary at [2014-09-02 Tue 14:00], for week 2014-W36.
| Headline               | Time   |      |   |     % |
| *Total time*           | *7:31* |      |   | 100.0 |
| testing                | 7:31   |      |   | 100.0 |
| \emsp testing indented |        | 3:25 |   |  45.5 |
#+TBLFM: $6='(org-clock-time% @2$3 $3..$5);%.1f

When my cursor is inside the table and I run M-x org-table-align ,
things come out OK.

Somehow setting the table-write function to:

(defun my-formatter( ipos tables params )
    (org-clocktable-write-default ipos tables params)
    (forward-line 2)

doesn't work.

I use Emacs 24.4.50 and org-mode 8.2.7c (20140901).

Can someone point me into a direction in order to fix this in the



Snow B.V.

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