Some further information, as I just realized that it is not working:
In the message buffer I get the following output:
| executing Emacs-Lisp code block...
| Saving file 
| Wrote 
| Wrote 
 [7 times]
| Wrote 
 [8 times]
| Wrote 
| Wrote 
| Wrote 
| Wrote 
| Wrote 
| Wrote 
| Wrote /Users/rainerkrug/Documents/Projects/IFN/ProductivityMixedStands/R/SDI.R
| Wrote 
 [11 times]
| Wrote 
| Wrote 
 [7 times]
| Wrote 
 [7 times]
| Tangled 48 code blocks from
| Wrote 
| Wrote /Users/rainerkrug/Documents/Projects/IFN/ProductivityMixedStands/R/SDI.R
| Wrote 
| Wrote 
| Wrote 
| Wrote 
| Wrote 
| Wrote 
| Wrote 
| Wrote 
| Code block evaluation complete.

So not all files tangled are passed on in the script (I assume because
of the length?). In addition, not all files resulting from the tangling
are in the message buffer (I am tangling a ./DESCRIPTION file as well).

How can I get all names resulting from the tangling in the results block
of the code block?


Rainer M Krug <> writes:

> Hi
> I am calling (org-bable-tangle) in a code block in an org file and I
> would show the files resulting from the tangling in a nice format.
> But I do not manage. I have the following at the moment:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp 
> (replace-regexp-in-string "[)\"]" ""
>      (replace-regexp-in-string "[(]" "- "
>           (replace-regexp-in-string " " "\n- "
>                (prin1-to-string (org-babel-tangle)))))
> #+end_src
> #+begin_example
> - 
> /Users/rainerkrug/Documents/Projects/IFN/ProductivityMixedStands/prodMixStands.el
> - 
> /Users/rainerkrug/Documents/Projects/IFN/ProductivityMixedStands/prodMixStands.makefile
> - 
> /Users/rainerkrug/Documents/Projects/IFN/ProductivityMixedStands/prodMixStands.RDescr
> - ./R/SDI.R
> - ./R/
> - ./R/selectPlotsVallet.R
> - ./R/loadIFNstl.R
> - ./R/loadIFNqmd.R
> - ./R/loadIFNcompetition.R
> - ./R/loadIFN.R
> - ./R/initializeAnalysis.R
> - 
> /Users/rainerkrug/Documents/Projects/IFN/ProductivityMixedStands/prodMixStands.R
> #+end_example
> Which is neither elegant nor short, and I am sure I could do this
> easier. Any suggestions?
> Rainer

Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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