Thank you for fixing it. I have tested it and it works as expected now.


On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 3:11 PM, Nicolas Goaziou <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Bruce Gilstrap <> writes:
>> I am running Org-mode 8.2.7c in Emacs 24.3.1 on Windows 7 Ultimate and
>> have encountered a peculiarity with how links work in HTML exported
>> from Org-mode. I searched gmane.emacs.orgmode to see if someone else
>> has reported this before, but I didn't find anything exactly like
>> this. Please pardon me if I have missed something.
>> I have used org-id extensively to assign unique IDs to headings in
>> Org-mode files (stored in the :PROPERTIES: drawer of the heading).
>> Before the new exporter framework was introduced in Org-mode 8.0 all
>> of these links worked without issue: no matter the level of the
>> heading's hierarchy, exported-HTML ID-based links worked fine.
>> However, using the new exporter framework produces different results.
>> Now, ID-based links always fail when the target heading lies at a
>> level below the headline level defined in the export settings, which
>> defaults to level 3 (H:3). Note: This is true only for the exported
>> HTML; ID-based links work perfectly within Emacs.
> This should be fixed. Thank you for reporting it.
> Regards,
> --
> Nicolas Goaziou

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