Hi Malcom,

2014ko irailak 18an, "Cook, Malcolm"-ek idatzi zuen:
> Hi,
> Hmm, I spoke too soon.... the problem is only partially fixed by this
> patch...
> Trying to work with in org-mode with R code blocks attached to
> persistent sessions (i.e. adding ':session myRsession' to the code
> block header ) makes things start to break again, at least in my
> hands.
> I'm going to wait till things settle down before trying to upgrade ESS
> again.
> Thanks for the patch anyway.

Can you give an ECM <http://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.html#ecm>?  I tried
to reconstruct what you are saying, but the patch seems to work as
expected for me.

(At the risk of being redundant, did you make sure that you are running
the most recent code including the patch?  The most foolproof way is to
navidate to the definition of ‘org-babel-R-initiate-session’ in ob-R.el,
verify that the call to ‘ess-wait-for-process’ is present, and use C-M-x
to reevaluate the defun.)


Aaron Ecay

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