> Do you need to enforce line breaks *outside of* a paragraph in plain
> text export?  If so, what case are you worried about specifically?

I forgot to answer this question.. I need to force line breaks in cases
like these

For example, to execute the =example_1= test and run in the {{{NEWLINE}}}

do the following..

In the above example, org-export will not wrap the text between the
verbatim formatting characters "=".
To ensure that the exported formats (html/pdf/ascii) look clean, I have to
force a newline character just before that long string.

Now using "\\" here instead of {{{NEWLINE}}} works but then I have to
ensure that I place the "\\" character at the very end. If they are placed
mid-line then they will be interpreted as newline by latex but simply "\\"
character by html exporter.

For consistency, the {{{NEWLINE}}} approach looks better; hoping that
org-mode will support a special newline character for ascii exports at some

#+MACRO: NEWLINE @@latex:\\@@ @@html:<br>@@ @@ascii:NEWLINE_CHARACTERS_

Kaushal Modi

On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 12:04 PM, Kaushal <kaushal.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The reason I switched to using this {{{NEWLINE}}} macro is that I wanted
> consistent results wherever I used it for any kind of export.
> Example:
> -----
> #+TITLE: First Line of Title // Second Line of Title
> -----
> Above works for only latex > pdf exports.
> HTML export of above keeps the `//` characters verbatim.
> So I did the below:
> -----
> #+MACRO: NEWLINE @@latex:\\@@ @@html:<br>@@
> #+TITLE: First Line of Title {{{NEWLINE}}} Second Line of Title
> -----
> The above solution looks clean to me, but now that doesn't work for ascii
> exports as I don't know what to put in between "@@ascii:@@" to get a
> newline in ascii exports.
> Interesting thing is that `//` work fine at the end of the lines.
> If I have the below:
> -----
> Some text in org file on first line //
> Some text in org file on second line //
> Some text in org file on third line
> -----
> .. then the pdf, html, ascii exports interpret `//` as a newline character.
> For consistency, now I use:
> -----
> Some text in org file on first line {{{NEWLINE}}}
> Some text in org file on second line {{{NEWLINE}}}
> Some text in org file on third line
> -----
> I am just waiting to know the magic characters for ascii exports that can
> give me newlines by using the above macro. Then I don't have to worry
> whether I am using `//` at the end of the line or in the middle of a line.
> The end result would be:
> -----
> #+MACRO: NEWLINE @@latex:\\@@ @@html:<br>@@
> #+TITLE: First Line of Title {{{NEWLINE}}} Second Line of Title
> Some text in org file on first line {{{NEWLINE}}}
> Some text in org file on second line {{{NEWLINE}}}
> Some text in org file on third line
> -----
> --
> Kaushal Modi
> On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 11:52 AM, Richard Lawrence <
> richard.lawre...@berkeley.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Kaushal,
>> I am forwarding your message to the Org mode list; you only sent it to
>> me and Nicolas...
>> Kaushal <kaushal.m...@gmail.com> writes:
>> > I came across
>> > https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2014-09/msg00466.html
>> > through this emacs SE page:
>> >
>> http://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/255/new-line-in-title-of-an-org-mode-exported-html-document
>> >
>> > The question I had asked on stackexchange was: How to export a mid-line
>> > newline consistently in all formats.
>> In paragraphs, all you need to do is end a line with "\\" to force a
>> line break.  This works for LaTeX, HTML, and plain text export, at least.
>> This doesn't work in other kinds of syntax, like headlines, but you may
>> not need it there.
>> > But I couldn't figure out how to convey a newline character when
>> exporting
>> > to plain text (ascii).
>> >
>> > I tried,
>> >
>> > #+MACRO: NEWLINE @@latex:\\@@ @@html:<br>@@ @@ascii:\n@@
>> >
>> > But that simply puts out "\n" verbatim in the exported txt file.
>> I don't know the answer to this specific issue---you might need to
>> create a custom export filter---but hopefully you can just use "\\"
>> instead of a macro like this.
>> Do you need to enforce line breaks *outside of* a paragraph in plain
>> text export?  If so, what case are you worried about specifically?
>> Best,
>> Richard
>> OpenPGP Key ID: CF6FA646
>> Fingerprint: 9969 43E1 CF6F A646
>> (See http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~rwl/encryption.html for more
>> information.)

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