
I'm using Org-mode version 8.2.7c (8.2.7c-74-gd2ecbe-elpa, org-plus-contrib

I am writing a documentation in org mode with the intent of exporting it to
libreoffice (using libreoffice on ubuntu 12.04).

This works in general very well.

I have a minor problem with image anchors.

I think I followed the docs when writing

    #+ATTR_ODT: :width 17 :anchor "page"
    #+CAPTION: Some text.
    #+LABEL:   fig:figureLabel

The :anchor statement seems to be ignored in the export process, I always
get images anchored to the paragraph.

When using Jambunathan's version of ox-odt I get images anchored to the
page, but there seem to be problems if there are two images on one page,
images covering each other when both are anchored to the page..

One of the few cases where doc is ahead of implementation?



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