Hello Nicolas,

On So, 2014-09-28 at 23:50 +0200, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Hello,
> Tobias Getzner <tobias.getz...@gmx.de> writes:
> > When using LaTeX-based export targets that produce a .tex file as output
> > (export to LaTeX file, PDF, PDF and open), I receive the message «Buffer
> > foo.tex modified; kill anyway?». Irrespective of whether I answer y/n,
> > no .tex file is produced, and «latexmk» fails with «no such file».
> Try killing "foo.tex" beforehand.

The foo.tex buffer was produced during the export (even when no «export
to buffer» is done), so I cannot kill it beforehand.

> > Both after issuing the file-producing exports, and when issuing
> > exports to buffer only (export to LaTeX buffer), the keybindings in the
> > original org-mode buffer become garbled; e. g., issuing another «C-c
> > C-e» after attempting a LaTeX export no longer invokes the export menu,
> > but is now bound to the command «LaTeX-enviroment». Actions such as
> > «fill-paragraph» also no longer work the way they usually work in
> > org-mode. The mode-line still reports «Org» as the major mode, though.
> > To get the expected commands back, I have to invoke «M-x org-mode».
> I cannot reproduce it. Did you find anything new?
> Regards,

Cf. my follow up at [1]. The issue seems to be related to the issue
(reported at [2]) when using org-mode together with follow-mode. It
should be reproducible when follow-mode is used and
«(TeX-source-correlate-mode)» is hooked into TeX-mode-hook. In contrast
to [2], aliasing «yes-or-no-p» to «y-or-n-p» does not seem to make a
difference, though. For the time being I had to disable follow-mode to
be able to do exports and eval code blocks.

Best regards,

[1] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/91009
[2] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/90981

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