Eric Abrahamsen <> writes:

> Marcin Borkowski <> writes:
>> Hi list,
>> does there exist any place I could find the specs of the org-element
>> data structure?  From what I can see, it is a list whose car is the type
>> of the element, then a (somewhat mysterious or me) plist follows, and
>> then the children.  Where could I find more info?  If the answer is
>> "read the source, Luke" ;-) , which functions should I start with?
>> Best,
> Have you looked at this page?
> That and the pages linked from it seem to cover most of what's going on.
> The mysterious plist holds all the properties for a given element. Most
> are generated by the parsing process (eg :contents-begin and
> :contents-end, see the link above for all the different properties the
> various elements/objects might get), while headlines will also have
> their actual property-drawer properties put into the list.
> The only thing that remains a little opaque to me is the "section"
> element, which apparently gets wrapped around a heading's subtree. I
> don't know what it does, but it's never gotten in my way so I haven't
> worried about it.

in simple terms, the data structure is just:

| (element-typ (plist) (section))

i.e. the plist describes the element itself, the section is its

* TODO Test :@home:
  DEADLINE: <2014-10-09 Do>
  :ARCHIVE:  foo

org-element-at-point does not parse the contents of an element, it
thus simply returns

| (element-typ (plist))

#+NAME: foo
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

# [:results pp]
: (headline
:  (:raw-value "Test" :begin 1432 :end 2214 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 1452 
:contents-end 2214 :level 1 :priority nil :tags
:            ("@home")
:            :todo-keyword "TODO" :todo-type todo :post-blank 0 
:footnote-section-p nil :archivedp nil :commentedp nil :post-affiliated 1432 
:            (timestamp
:             (:type active :raw-value "<2014-10-09 Do>" :year-start 2014 
:month-start 10 :day-start 9 :hour-start nil :minute-start nil :year-end 2014 
:month-end 10 :day-end 9 :hour-end nil :minute-end nil :begin 1464 :end 1479 
:post-blank 0))
:            :ARCHIVE "foo" :title "Test"))

#+NAME: bar
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var x=foo 
 (org-element-interpret-data x) 

#+results: bar
: * TODO Test :@home:

so this is (just) the element (headline) as specified by its plist.

You can get the contents e.g. with 

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results wrap
(require 'org-dp-lib)
 (org-dp-contents nil t)))

DEADLINE: <2014-10-09 Do>
:ARCHIVE:  foo


but the default org-element-parse-buffer parses everything (when specified), the
contents too, so it would give you 

| (element-typ (plist) (section))

with section recursively containing other elements with the same
structure -> a nested list.


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