In our last episode, the evil Dr. Lacto had captured our hero,
  Manuel Schneckenreither <>, who 
>Hi fellows,
>I couldn't find anything on the web about it. Therefore, I like to ask
>you if anyone knows a program (another editor) which supports Org mode.

I would suggest, rather than adapting more editors to support Org,
creating a stand-alone program that "compiles" and manages Org functions
separate from the act of editing them.

The same way that I edit a TeX file, and then run "tex" to process
it into a DVI file that I can view; or the same way that I edit an
HTML file, and then pull it up in Firefox to view it.  I can edit
my Org file, then I can run my Org processor and view the file,
view my agenda...

I realize that there is a lot of functionality that gets lost, but I
think that much of what is lost is "shortcuts".  I can easily, for example,
change the word TODO to DONE in my editor, or add a SCHEDULED line...
On the other hand, you already have emacs as the "supported" Org editor,
while adding do-it-yourself support for other editors as well.

It just seems to me that writing Org For Emacs, Org For Vim, Org For
Notepad, Org For Whatever Mac Uses, Org for Vile ... is duplicating
too much effort that a single Org For Java might simplify.

Anyway, just thinking out loud.


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