
Per Unneberg <punneb...@gmail.com> writes:

> I'm currently experimenting exporting notes from my beamer presentations
> as articles via use of the beamerarticle package. In some cases, I only
> want to export the *notes* to the article. This can be achieved easily
> enough by setting #+SELECT_TAGS: B_noteNH B_note, but it would be a
> hassle to remove/insert this statement everytime I need/don't need
> non-note material. Therefore, I tried defining a derived backend with
> the following settings:
>  (org-export-define-derived-backend 'beamerarticlenotes 'latex
>     :export-block '("LATEX" "TEX")
>     :menu-entry
>     '(?n "Notes export"
>          (
>           (?M "As LaTeX buffer (LaTeX notes)" org-latex-export-as-latex)
>           (?m "As LaTeX file (LaTeX notes)" org-latex-export-to-latex)
>           (?N "As PDF file and open (LaTeX notes)" 
>               (lambda (a s v b)
>                 (if a (org-latex-export-to-pdf t s v b)
>                   (org-open-file (org-latex-export-to-pdf nil s v b)))))))
>     :options-alist
>     '(
>       (:author "AUTHOR" nil "John Doe" t)
>       (:select-tags "SELECT_TAGS" nil "B_noteNH" split)
>       )
>    )
> However, I must be doing something wrong as adding this backend and
> running C-c C-e n N on the MWE below does not work. Moreover, the author
> name does not change to John Doe, which I included just for testing. I'm
> running without startup file (emacs -Q), pointing to release tag
> release_8.2.8. Adding #+SELECT_TAGS: B_noteNH and running C-c C-e l o
> does give the desired result.
> Any help would be appreciated.

Your derived back-end calls `org-latex-export-as-latex', which in turn,
calls `latex' back-end. IOW, you are using functions that ignore your

You need to write an export function that will use your back-end.
Another option is to use EXT-PLIST argument from existing functions.

BTW, `split' behaviour implies that value is a list. So select-tags
should be ("B_noteNH").


Nicolas Goaziou

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