emacs 24.3
org-mode 8.2.6

When I run org-html-export-to-html the following code,

#+begin_src ditaa :file ditaa-seqboxes.png+------+   +-----+   +-----+
  +-----+|{io}  |   |{d}  |   |{s}  |   |cBLU || Foo  +---+ Bar +---+
Baz +---+ Moo ||      |   |     |   |     |   |     |+------+
+-----+   +--+--+   +-----+
           /-----\      |      +------+
           |     |      |      | c1AB |
           | Goo +------+---=--+ Shoo |
           \-----/             |      |

it successfully produces an image, which is visible in the exported html.
But the original source of the org file becomes,


In other words, the source is gone(?).

Is there anyway to maintain the source of the image and export the image in


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