> All I've got now are a function that finds the logbook, and another that
> parses the log items and normalizes them: extracts the TODO
> states/timestamps/key-values and sets them as properties on the items
> themselves. Then you've got a pretty good basis from which to do
> reporting.
> Hooking into note-taking and todo state-change logging to prompt for
> values should be easy.
> I don't know yet how to approach the reporting part, mostly because I
> haven't sat down and thought about how this would be most useful. It
> will also require reading org-clock and org-habit in detail -- clearly
> reporting to a table like they do is the right way to go.
> How to get the most out of the data? I was thinking of having
> COLUMN_FORMULA and TABLE_FORMULA properties on the heading. When you
> report from the heading, each key in the logbook data creates a table
> column. Each column formula property creates another column, populated
> by that formula (presumably calculated from the data columns). Then the
> table formula gets slapped on to the bottom of it, and the whole thing
> runs.
> So if you had a heading like this:
> * TODO Anneal galoshes
>   GALOSHES: 15; CLOCK: [2014-10-15 Wed 09:07]--[2014-10-15 Wed 17:10] =>  8:03
>   GALOSHES: 13; CLOCK: [2014-10-14 Tue 08:50]--[2014-10-14 Tue 16:30] =>  7:40
>   GALOSHES: 14; CLOCK: [2014-10-13 Mon 09:30]--[2014-10-13 Mon 17:06] =>  7:36
>   :END:
> You'd end up with a table with two data columns. Then you could have a
> COLUMN_FORMULA property that created a third column, displaying galoshes
> annealed per hour. And a TABLE_FORMULA property that did... something...
> with all that information.
> In a sense, it's a bit like column view, except using logbook data
> rather than property values.

This sounds pretty great. I'd like to see the functions you have anyway,
seems like something the community might find useful. I know I could
find a few use cases for it.

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