Per Unneberg <> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm writing a custom function for use with a capture template, as
> described in the section Template elements (sec of the info
> manual. My function does what I expect in that it finds the correct
> heading (in my use case "Log") and returns point. However, if the Log
> heading has no children, the capture template is filed as a sibling, and
> not a child. I have spent some time now on this seemingly simple
> problem, but being a newbie on elisp I must admit I'm stuck.

I'm messing about with some similar template-placement routines, so I
tried your recipe below, and it worked for me... Capture by default will
create a child of the heading point is on, so I really don't see why
this wouldn't work. You've stepped through the function and confirmed
that the (goto-char (point-at-bol)) line leaves you at the "Log"

Is the tree structure folded or open at the time? You might try an
(org-reveal) after the (org-clock-goto); I'm still not really clear on
the interaction between visibility and heading insertion.

I think you're note about "if cursor is at beginning of headline, same
level used" doesn't really apply here, as the capture process does a lot
more than just pasting a subtree.

Anyway, I can't reproduce the problem -- do try messing with


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