
I would like to have several datetrees in one org file. I want to have
different datetrees under different headlines. The setup I have in mind
is an address book with chronologically ordered notes for each person.

This is an example entry for one person. Each following person in that
file will have their own datetree and corresponding notes.

* John Doe
  :MAIL:     john....@example.com
- nice guy
** 2014
*** 2014-10 October
**** 2014-10-27 Monday
***** meeting 1
Entered on <2014-10-27 Mon 00:00>
- notes
**** 2014-10-28 Tuesday
***** meeting 2
Entered on <2014-10-28 Tue 00:00>
- more notes

Currently, there is no way to capture a new entry in a datetree for a
specific person. The current capture templates only allow for one
datetree per file.

Is it possible to extend this datetree functionality and let the user
specify the file and the headline under which the datetree resides?
Adapting the example from the manual, I would like to have something
along the lines of:

(file+headline+datetree "path/to/file" "headline")


(file+olp+datetree "path/to/file" "level 1 headline" "level2" ...)

Is this possible?

Alexander Baier

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