Detlef Steuer <> writes:

> Hi Nick!
>> If there are use cases out there, it might be worth collecting them
>> and then thinking about how to support them better. If there aren't,
>> maybe it should be thrown out.
> Oh, NO, donĀ“t do that! Datetrees were a major enhancement for my
> workflow. I use one as a kind  of "lab logbook" and time tracker.
> Fits my use very well and I would miss it a lot!
> I think datetrees work like intended and stable.

Yes, that was a bit provocative, wasn't it? I don't think there is
any need to worry.

Could you describe your use case? Maybe it could fill the hole in the
manual. Also, maybe my impression that it's thinly supported may be
wrong, but you would know better: is there datetree functionality that
you find yourself wishing for?


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