
Weird behaviour: yesterday I switched my init.el to OrgStruct and
re-organized it a bit. Silly me thought it would also be a clever
time to update my Org git repo.

At many occasions, my Emacs hangs in an endless loop. When
I break it, I get following Backtrace:

| Debugger entered--Lisp error: (quit)
|   org--setup-collect-keywords("^[   
|   org-set-regexps-and-options()
|   org-mode()
|   set-auto-mode-0(org-mode nil)
|   #[0 "\302\242\237\211\205.
| [...]

(Sorry for the long line)

Do you have a clue if my update or my re-arrangement of my init.el
could have caused this?

Should I check something else?

Thank you very much for your help!

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