When reading articles /from/ gmane.emacs.orgmode /in/ Gnus, I've observed that 
source blocks such as 

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(if this
    (then that))


,* TODO some headlines and                        :atag:
SCHEDULED: <2014-10-29 Wed>
- [ ] some other org-mode stuff

do receive syntax highlighting. But to take advantage of this and to write 
articles in this way my workflow is very awkward. Here is my present workflow, 
and I hope there is some simple or complex solution where others have a better 
workflow they can share: 

1. Cut some pieces from my .el or .org files, 
2. Paste into the scratch buffer,
3. Convert scratch buffer to Major mode org, 
4. Add src blocks using org-mode shortcuts ("<s TAB org" or "selisp SPC"),
5. Edit as needed for email, for instance taking advantage of indenting etc. in 
"C-c '" mode
6. Cut and paste from scratch buffer to email draft
7. Edit email
8. If extensive editing of src blocks is needed while drafting, may consider 
switching back to scratch buffer including further cutting and pasting

This seems wholly inefficient, and I'm hoping there is some obviously easier 
way to do it, no matter how much elisp is needed. 

I am not sure it is relevant, but my rather vanilla Gnus setup includes 
drafting mail in Message buffer. I didn't quickly find how to switch to 
drafting with Gnus, so I make the cursory assumption that this is not the trick 
to at least seeing highlighting of src blocks while drafting emails. 


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