Whoops -- missed the reply-all on this!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: [O] Anyone using or interested in an org to Rmarkdown exporter?
To: Grant Rettke <g...@wisdomandwonder.com>

On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 11:37 AM, Grant Rettke <g...@wisdomandwonder.com> wrote:
> Good morning,
> Last week I started learning about [RMarkdown]. It is a [literate
> programming] tool implemented in, and for, the [ℝ programming
> language]. Although I haven't dug in deep yet, I do know that (1) it is
> /basically/ [Markdown] and that (2) `org' exports both to [vanilla
> markdown] and also [GitHub flavored Markdown] and that (3) a lot of my
> peers use `RMarkdown' and not `org'. With that that in mind I got
> curious about what it would take to write an `org2rmarkdown' exporter.
> The scope of my interest is one-time exports for the most basic and
> simple `org' document. As such, right now I have no requirements beyond
> thinking about the opportunity. After doing some Internet searches,
> there does not seem to be an exporter right now. Questions:
> • Does one exist and I missed it?

Possibly; at least in some form it does:
- https://github.com/chasberry/orgmode-accessories/blob/master/ox-ravel.org

> • Do you have any interest in such an exporter?

- https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2014-01/msg01436.html
- https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2014-02/msg00291.html

> • Has anyone else ever thought of doing this? If yes, why didn't you?

- Don't know elisp
- Found the above, which mostly worked. I had to edit my Org file to
feature a carriage return between text and my lists. ox-ravel appears
to export literally, and it appears knittr won't pick up a list if
there's no blank line between regular text and a list. In other words,

- item1
- item2

Isn't the same as this:


- item1
- item2

Probably a simple enough fix, but just pointing out one nuance that
org in general and other exporters don't struggle with (they recognize
a list even with no blank line).

> • My guess is that doing an exporter that [builds on an existing
>   exporter], mentioned above, would be a great start. Thoughts?
>   • The big difference seems to be control statements passed to the
>     interpreter, which may or may not be necessary to convert. If not,
>     than the *stock* `markdown' exporter would provide everything

See if the attached are satisfactory
- test.org: just a heading, a couple lists, R code (and output), and an image
- test.Rmd: output of ox-ravel Rmd exporter
- test.html (well, a screenshot): results of opening test.Rmd in
RStudio and knitting

Let me know what you think!

Attachment: test.org
Description: Binary data

# test

Unordered list

-   How does this work?
-   Simple list
-   'Nother item

Numbered list

1.  Switch it up
2.  Numbers this time

Some code:

```{r }
x <- 1:10
y <- x^2




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